Annex Training buildings

The Annex Training Buildings category includes several buildings that allow you to further develop the training of your team, such as unlocking new tactics.

Tactics Hub

With the Tactics Hub building, you will unlock the new Defensive Fortress tactic that you can use in matches.

Trained at 100%, the Defensive Fortress tactic has the following effect:

  • Bonus of 22% on the 3 Defensive sectors and 8% on central Mid sector (represented in Black color)
  • Malus of 7,5% on the Left and right MID sectors (represented in Red color)
  • Malus of 8.5% on the 3 Offensive sectors (represented in Red color) 

Once the Tactics Hub is purchased, you can train and use the Defensive Fortress tactic in your matches.

To train the Defensive Fortress tactic, you can set it up in the training plan or you can use the Defensive Fortress tactic card

The duration of this Tactics Hub building is 120 days.


Once the Tactics Hub expires, you will no longer be able to train or use the Defensive Fortress tactic nor use the Defensive Fortress training card, unless you re-purchase the building.

Tactics Hub (Pro)

With the Tactics Hub (Pro) building you will unlock 2 new tactics for your club, that you can use in matches:

  • Rapid counter-attack (Rapid CA)
  • Wing Dominance

Trained at 100%, the Rapid Counter-attack tactic has the following effect:

  • Bonus on the 3x Offensive sectors 12,5% (represented in Black color) 
  • Bonus on Central MID sector 10% (represented in Black color) 
  • Bonus on Left and Right Defensive sectors 12,5% (represented in Black color) 
  • Malus 15% Left and Right MID sectors (represented in Red color)
  • Malus 5% Central DEF sectors (represented in Red color)

Trained at 100%, the Wing Dominance tactic has the following effect:

  • Bonus Left and Right (OFF 15%, MID 10%, DEF 7,5%) (represented in Black color) 
  • Malus Central (DEF 8%, MID 9%, OFF 10%) (represented in Red color) 

Once the Tactics Hub (Pro) is purchased, you can train and use the tactics in your matches.

To train the Rapid CA and Wing Dominance tactics, you can add them to the training plan or you can use the Rapid CA and Wing Dominance training cards

The duration of the Tactics Hub (Pro) building is 120 days.


Once the Tactics Hub (Pro) expires, you will no longer be able to train or use Rapid counter-attack and Wing Dominance tactics nor the related training tactic cards, unless you re-purchase the building.

More about Annex buildings

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