Týmový duch

Týmový duch vyjadřuje soudržnost hráčů v týmu a má vliv na držení míče během zápasu. Čím větší je týmový duch, tím je jeho efekt větší. Kromě toho týmový duch mírně ovlivňuje i formu hráčů.

Hodnotu týmového duchu naleznete pod záložkou "Tréninkové statistiky" v "Tým"→"Trénink". Modrá křivka znázorňuje týmový duch:

team spirit

General facts

  • the team spirit is a value between 0 and 100
  • when the season starts the team spirit of all clubs is reset to 50
  • the influence of a friendly or practice match is very low
  • the influence of a league or International Masters group phase match is much higher than the influence of a friendly match
  • the influence of a cup, relegation or International Masters knockout round match is a little bit higher than for a league match
  • each team has a baseline of 50 for the team spirit. If the team spirit is above the baseline, the team spirit will go down by 1 per day. (If the team spirit is below or at the baseline, nothing happens)
  • a mental coach raises the team spirit baseline. The maximum baseline is 80.
  • a mental coach also gives a chance to receive +1 team spirit per day. The better the mental coach, the higher the chance.


  • each victory will increase the team spirit by 1 to 15 points
  • a victory against a better opponent (higher team strength) gives a bonus
  • a higher strength difference gives more points than a smaller strength difference (you being the weaker team)
  • a high victory (+2 goals) gives a bonus


  • each defeat will reduce the team spirit by 1 to 15 points
  • a defeat against a weaker opponent (lower team strength) gives a bigger deduction
  • a defeat with a higher strength difference leads to fewer points than a smaller strength difference (you being the stronger team)
  • a high defeat (+2 goals) gives a higher deduction


  • each draw will increase or reduce the team spirit by 0 to 5 points
  • if both teams have the same team strength, there is no effect
  • if the opponent is a weaker team, you get a small deduction (draw reduces the team spirit)
  • if the opponent is a stronger team, you get a small increase (draw increases the team spirit)

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