Loans and investements

The Bank

If millions of Euros are in your bank account, you might have missed the right time for financial investments – it is time to catch up.

If you´re hard up for money, the bank can help you in the short term. This won´t replace a firm financial strategy of course.

To access the Bank, go to Club -> Bank in the main menu

Financial Investments

The number of investments is limited to 4 - with a minimum invested capital of 10,000 each, the maximum is 15 millions for all your investments in sum, and of course not more than your account balance.

The interest is paid in full at the end of the duration, at the same time the investment is deposited back into the account. By canceling an investment ahead of time, the interest will be forfeited completely and a penalty of 1% of the investment is charged.

A financial advisor raises the interest rates. Without one the following applies:

  • 4% - on investments with a duration of 6 weeks
  • 9% - on investments with a duration of 12 weeks
  • 14% - on investments with a duration of 18 weeks

The percentage is fixed until the end of the investment.


The bank pays out loans of up to 10 million Euros. The individual credit limit is calculated from the age of the club, the value of the stadium and stadium complex and the team value.

If you take out a loan you have to pay a 2% fee upfront. The initial interest will increase by 0.1% per week – it is recommended to pay back a loan as quickly as possible. A financial consultant lowers the initial interest on loans. The maximum interest is 5% per week.

While a loan is active, you have to pay the interest every week, the interest is applied on Mondays. The loan amount is not reduced by those payments. To pay off a loan you have to manually pay it off (you can pay off the total amount or just a part).


Due to high interest rates, it is recommended to avoid bank-financed investments, which can turn short-term success into long-term failure.

Finances and Merchandising

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