Your squad

Your squad is the foundation of your club. You can have a maximum of 36 players, starting off with a default of 22. 

The extra slots can be gained from the Tell-a-friend feature (max 2 per club) and by using Squad slot coupon cards, for example by earning specific achievements or they can be bought during special promotions (max 4 per club). 
Three extra squad slots can also be obtained through stadium upgrades after you purchase "Squad slot Plus (common)", "Squad slot Plus (rare)", and Squad slot Plus (ultra-rare) stadium upgrades. Another 5 squad slots can be earned if you own all 5 Residential Center buildings (1 extra slot for each owned RC building)

In total, you can further expand your squad space to 36 squad slots.

Default squad size22 squad slots
Stadium upgrades+3 squad slots
Squad slot coupons+4 squad slots
Tell-a-friend (2 invited friends reach career level 25)+2 squad slot
Residential Centers (+1 slot for each owned building)+5 squad slots (if you own all 5 buildings)
Maximum36 squad slots

See how to use Squad slot coupon
From main menu select Team -> Players and then click on little + icon with figure of a players.

How to activate Squad slot stadium upgrades
Go to your stadium complex then click on tab "Upgrades", scroll down in the list and find "Squad slot plus" upgrades. Maximum purchase duration is for 2 years.

The better your squad, the better the chance to win titles, like your league championship.

Always make sure that your team is well-balanced, to receive full efficiency in your training. On the positions of defence, midfield, on the wings and in the offence, you shouldn't have any more than 7 players, or the training efficiency goes down. For the goalkeepers, it is limited to three players without losing efficiency.


  • When stadium upgrade Squad slot plus expires, and the duration of upgrade is not extended, the received squad slot will stay until you sell one player. After that, the slot will disappear.
  • Some stadium upgrades and decoration buildings allow you to increase the number of players that can train at full efficiency on a given position: up to 10 players for Defenders, Midfielders, Wingers and Strikers; for Keepers, the maximum possible is 5.

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