Buying players

To buy players from other clubs you need to use the transfer market. The transfer market in goalunited is open at all times and serves to search for and sign new players. To buy players, use the search to find suitable players, then place a bid. The transfer market it global, so you compete with managers from all countries.

While the players are on the transfer market, their values do not change - apart from the fact that they age normally.

To access the transfer market you need to build a Club house (second level of the office container).  The club house opens up the transfer market to buy players with a maxium strength of 2.1. To buy stronger players you need to upgrade your club house further.


There are two different search facilities to find players in the transfer market: the simple search and the advanced search (premium feature). With both search facilities, you can enter a nationality and you have to enter the position, for which you wish to find a player. In addition, the simple search allows you to specify an area of strength. The advanced search, on the other hand, allows you to customize your search with numerous other criteria in order to find a suitable player more quickly.

Advanced Search

The advanced search - available exclusively to premium account users - offers various options to search specifically for players with certain characteristics. Up to five filter criteria can be specified to search for players with skills at certain levels, talents, specific personality or in a certain age bracket.

Last Minute Search

The last-minute search is part of the advanced search. Contrary to the other search options, it offers the possibility of searching for all players - without specifying a position - where the auction will end in the next 60 minutes. Of course, the search can be narrowed down by further criteria here as well.

Search Result

After clicking on the button Search, the players corresponding to the set criteria will be listed (in chronological order of auction end time). 10 players are displayed per page. The maximum number of results displayed is 500.

Each player will be offered on the transfer market for 72 hours (3 days). If he is not bought within this period, he will be placed back on the transfer market with a lower starting price. If the player is still not bought after several unsuccessful rounds and a substantially lower starting price, the player's career will end. In the case of downtimes, during which goalunited might not be accessible, all transfers will be extended accordingly.

In all lists (Search result, Your biddings, Observe), a double click on an entry will bring up the player Details. Use the bidding button located to the right to place a bid on a player. But be careful, every bid you place is final, you cannot withdraw a bid you have made.

Premium members have the additional Notices function available here.

Buying players

As long as you have room for more players in your team, you can bid on players on the transfer market. However, each auction in which you hold the highest bid is accounted towards your player number. The assumption is that the player will be part of your team in the future, unless and until you have been outbidden.

And of course, you can only bid as much money on the transfer market as you have available. The total value of all maximum bids is temporarily withdrawn (blocked) from your account and reimbursed as soon as another manager submits a higher bid. (This can sometimes take a few minutes)

If you hold the highest bid for a player at the time the auction ends, you win that auction and your club signs the player. In this case, the amount of the winning bid is transferred to the bank - the bidder is reimbursed the difference from their specified maximum bid (if higher). After a few minutes (it might take until the next day in rare cases), the player will join your team and appear in your Squad listing. At that point, he will have a 12-week contract and the salary will be determined by his current market value.


All players that you placed a bid on, are shown in this list. As long as you hold a maximum bid on the player, the entry is shown on an orange background. During this period you can also submit a new (higher) bid, possibly to preempt other managers.

Each bid for a player must be at least 2% higher than the highest bid shown. A bidding assistant automatically submits increased bids up to your specified amount. If two managers submit the same bid, the bid submitted first is deemed to be the higher one.

After the end of the auction, the players will remain in the Your biddings listing for two days so that you can check who bought the player at what price. If players are to be deleted from the list earlier, you can place a tick in front of their name and then click on button Remove. Since bids cannot be revoked, it is not possible to remove players from the listing, for whom you currently hold the highest bid.


In order to monitor the auction of a specific player you can click on an observation button (eye symbol), which places the player in the Observe list (premium feature). The button is located at the bottom of the page and appears as soon as a player has been selected in the results list. Up to 25 players can be included in the list.

Players remain in the 'Observe list' for a further two days after the end of the auction so that you can check who bought each player at what price. If players are to be deleted from the list earlier, you can place a tick in front of their name and then click on the button Remove.

Sold players of your own team will be added to the observation list, so you can follow their auctions on the market.


  • The strength of the players, which goes beyond 10.0 due to skills limits unlocked through special decorations and special cards, is reset when such players are sold on the transfer market, this is why you cannot search for strength above 10 when buying players on the transfer market.
  • Buying players that were sold by your own clubs (owned via Top Manager) is not possible.
  • The maximum amount that you can bid on a player in goalunited is currently  999.999.999 IGM (in-game money)

Selling players

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