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Merchandising is an additional source of income for your club. It allows you to sell memorabilia in your team colors to your fans – like shirts, scarves and balls. For this, you need a factory and a fan shop.


The Factory

As soon as you reach career level 10, you can build a factory in your stadium complex. There are 5 factory levels. The higher the level of your factory, the bigger is the range of items you can produce. With the construction of the 3rd and 5th level, you receive an additional production line, which allows you to produce up to 3 items simultaneously.

Once your factory is constructed you can select the merchandising tab in the club menu to produce items. Select the item you want to produce and move it to a free production line. You can then select how long you would like to work on that particular item (0.5 – 24 hours). The longer the time, the more items are produced. Start the production by clicking on the “Produce” button. The productions costs are deducted from your account. With a click on the golden button you can cut the production time in half.

You can cancel a production at any time by clicking on the x button. Careful: The complete production is cancelled! You receive no items but the complete amount of money is refunded.


  • The shorter the production time, the more items are produced per hour
  • With the Shift Supervisor Staff upgrade, regular production in your memorabilia factories is assured! The Shift Supervisor is producing memorabilia in 3-hour shifts and he won't allow any shelf-warmers to be produced! 
  • Production of memorabilia won't start if your club balance is in a negative state!

The fan shop

As soon as you reach career level 11 you can build your first small fan shop in your stadium. The Fan Shop building has  6 levels available. The higher the level, the more sales shelves are available. In the smallest shop, you begin with 2 shelves, in the biggest you have 8 shelves available. Each shelf can be filled with up to 100 items of the same kind. Also, the higher the level, the more storage space you will have.

You cannot produce any more items when your storage is full.

To sell items you have to place them on your shelf slots. After that, you can adjust the price and don’t forget to save the page. The price has to be set to at least 1€ above the production price.


  • With the Sales Manager Staff upgrade, the shelves in your Fan Shop are filled automatically, without your intervention! All you need to do is to set up the prices for each item. The Sales manager takes into account the demand when filling the shelves.


The number of each item that you will sell depends both on the demand and the price. The higher the demand, the more items can be sold, or, the higher you can set the price. On home match days there is generally a higher demand for all items (Except for United matches).

Each item of memorabilia has a unique daily demand. It is shown by the small bar under the item graphic. The higher the bar (dark green), the higher the demand. The arrow indicates the demand tendency for the upcoming days. If the arrow points up, the demand on the following day will be higher, and vice versa. You can also see the number of items in your storage facilities and the production price.


Use the tendencies to produce the best items for the next days.



In the Balance tab, you can see how many items you have sold and how much profit you made. This helps you to figure out which item was most lucrative and which one was sold the most.


Cash book

In the Cash book, you can see the sales and productions of the last 7 days.

Finances and Merchandising

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