Сезонный Абонемент

Сезонный абонемент в goalunited - это новое мероприятие, которое проходит одновременно с основным сезоном, в нем, в течение сезона, можно выполнять разные квесты и задания.

Чтобы открыть обзор Сезонного Абонемента, нажмите на соответствующую кнопку внизу, рядом с балансом Премиум Аккаунта.

The Season pass Overview

In the Overview at the top, you can see the progress bar, which indicates how many quest points you have earned so far and how many are needed to get to the next round of the Season Pass.

On the right, you can see the deadline until which you can fulfill quests.

There are two different paths, one premium, and one free.


The Premium Season Pass is currently unavailable!

The Rewards

As you earn quest points, you progress toward completing each season pass round, and upon advancing to the next round, you can redeem the reward from the round you just completed.   

The Quests

In the Quest view, you can see all the quests that you can fulfill and for which you earn Quest points.

Each quest has a short description indicating what it's required to complete, the number of quest points that you can earn by completing it, and a counter.

 Good to know!

Some quests have multiple quests in line.

This means that subsequent quests wait in line for the first (previous) quest to be completed.

The Logs

The Logs tab provides more information about the progress of each quest and the timestamps.

You will also see here the total of Quest Points you earned so far.


If you have 3 clubs via the Top Manager feature, you can earn Quest Points on each one and collect rewards with each of them.

You'll need at least career level 10 for your club, to access the Season Pass!

For some quests, you may notice "Missed". This happens for quests that your club no longer has a theoretical chance to fulfill (e.g. Become a champion when there are no longer mathematical chances to become champion in your division)

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