Team training (tactics)

Every day your team has one time slot dedicated just for tactics training. This unit can be used to train either one of the field tactics, the offside trap, or standard situations.

You can also use one trading card per day in your training to get extra tactics training.



It is always a good idea to train standards. The better they are trained, the better the chance that a standard situation (like a free kick,) results in a goal. Standards should be trained early on.

Offside trap

The offside trap is a highly effective way to stop some of the opponents’ attacks from the start. However, if the offside trap is not trained well enough, the trap will fail often and in those cases, the attacks lead to goals very often.

The offside trap should be trained to at least 80% before it is used.

Field Tactics

There are different field tactics your team can practice. Each of those tactics will give a bonus to some part of the team, at the cost of weakening the rest.

The benefits go up when the tactic is trained, the penalties are always the same. Because of this, it is not advised to use badly trained tactics. A tactic should be trained to about 80% before it is used. Every tactic has its uses. Before you decide which one you want to train, take a look at your team and your formation to see which suits your team best.

Select the Training Statistics tab on the left to see the current status. The white vertical line shows you the point at which a tactic is beneficial.



When you play 'Pressing' you assign your offensive players to engage themselves in defensive work and to already attack your opponent in his own half. With this tactic, your midfield will be enforced by the offensive players and you probably will have more ball possession. The negative effect is that your offensive and defensive quadrants will have less strength.
In numbers: Defensive sectors (1-3) and offensive sectors (7-9) 10% bonus but the other three sectors 15% penalty.

Counter-attack play

With the counterattacks, you will try to get through your midfield as fast as possible. After winning ball possession the ball is brought to the offense as fast as lightning. The defense and the offense will be stronger but the midfield will be weaker.
In numbers: Defense sectors (1-3) and offense sectors (7-9) will be 10% better but the other three quadrants will be 15% weaker.


With Powerplay your players try to put very high pressure on your opponent and force him to remain in his own half. Powerplay is a strongly offensive tactic and enforces the offense and midfield for the cost of a weaker defense.
In numbers: The six offensive sectors (4-9) are enforced by 10% — the remaining three get a malus of 15%.


Kick-and-Rush is quite primitive as nobody will think about playmaking much. Nevertheless, it can be very effective. As soon as your team has the ball it's only 'Forward! Run!' and they will try to bring the ball into the offense. There will be no wingplay, but in the center of the field, there will be advantages.
In number: The central sectors (2, 5 and 8) will be 20% stronger — the other six quadrants 7.5% weaker.

Over the wings

It's the opposite of Kick-and-Rush. With this tactic, you try to use the complete width of the playfield and get to the offense over your wings. For the cost of the remaining quadrants, the wingplay will be enforced.
In numbers: The four offensive wing sectors (4, 6, 7 and 9) will be 15% stronger — the other five get a 9% malus.

Defensive wall

The defensive wall is the most defensive selectable tactic. Every player will stay near their baseline and try to make life for the opposite offense as hard as possible. The defense will be much stronger and the rest will be weaker.
In numbers: Defensive sectors (1-3) will get a 20% bonus — the other six will be 7.5% weaker


Dragonplay tactic is a special tactic and it can be trained and used only if you own the 5 Dragon Monuments decoration buildings.. With all 5 Dragon monument decorations owned, you can also increase the effort up to 175%.

With the Dragonplay tactic, your players put very high pressure on your opponent's players. Dragonplay is a very offensive tactic and enforces the offense and midfield for the cost of a weaker defense.

In numbers: The 3 attacking and 3 midfield sectors are enforced by 12.5% each, while the remaining three defensive sectors get a malus of 10%. 

Defensive Fortress

Defensive Fortress is a special tactic that can be unlocked and trained if you own the Tactics Hub.

With the Defensive Fortress tactic, your players focus on the defensive, turning it into a fortress.

In numbers: Bonus of 22% on the 3 Defensive sectors and 8% on central Mid sector Malus of 7,5% on the Left and right MID sectors Malus of 8.5% on the 3 Offensive sectors

Rapid counter-attack (Rapid CA)

Rapid counter-attack is a special tactic that can be unlocked and trained if you own the Tactics Hub Pro.

With the Rapid counter-attack tactic, your players will focus on turning defensive situations into quick counter-attacks once they get into the ball possession.

In numbers: Bonus on the 3x Offensive sectors 12,5%,  Bonus on Central MID sector 10%, Bonus on Left and Right Defensive sectors 12,5%, Malus 15% Left and Right MID sectors, Malus 5% Central DEF sectors

Wing Dominance

Wing Dominance is a special tactic that can be unlocked and trained if you own the Tactics Hub Pro.

With the Wing Dominance tactic, your players will focus on all 6 wing sectors.

In numbers: Bonus Left and Right (OFF 15%, MID 10%, DEF 7,5%), Malus Central (DEF 8%, MID 9%, OFF 10%)

Pressing PLUS

Pressing PLUS is a special tactic that can be unlocked and trained if you own all 5 Wood Snake Monuments.

Pressing PLUS emphasizes relentless pressure on your opponent.

This tactic is offensive but well-balanced, which enforces the central defensive sector by 7.5%, 3 midfield sectors by 20% and the central offensive sector by 10%. Malus: Defensive (left/right) sectors -10% and Offensive (left/right) sectors -7.5%


  • It is not enough to train a tactic once, your team needs to keep the tactic trained. The level of each tactic goes down slightly each day. The lower the level of the tactic, the slower the daily decrease will be.
  • To keep it up you need to either train a training unit once in a while, or you need to use it in matches. Always keep the tactics in sight!

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