Youth matches and ratings
To see how your youth team has done during the last matches, click on the 'Ratings' tab in the youth section. Here you will get a detailed match report. (You will always see the match report for the last youth match first. Simply click on the dropdown at the top that shows the current match fixture to select another match.)
The match report gives you details about the match and details about the performance of your players.
The match
On the left, you will see the field with the team's formation. The field's coloration tells you how well the team did in each sector. Green sectors mean that the team was better than the opponent, an orange sector means that the opponent was better.
You can switch between the teams by clicking on the other team's logo on the top left.
On the right side, you will see a few match statistics, like the passing and ball possession stats.
The player ratings
On the bottom right you can see how your individual players have done. The players are rated by stars. The four best players on the field receive 5 stars, the following four receive 4 stars, and so on. This can result in one team having all 4 5-Star players in a match, while the other team only has players with 4 or less stars. Only the players on the field receive ratings, players that watched from the bench will not get any rating.
One of the four best players on the field is also randomly chosen as player of the day.
The ratings help you determine which of your players are the best, and which ones have very low potential. However, players do have good and bad days, so one rating might not always be enough to be sure. Losing against a strong youth team can sometimes help you get a better view of your team as well. If the players of the other team take up most of the top ratings, then you might be able to get a better idea about your own players.
Over time you will get a feeling for your team. At that point, you will be able to judge new players pretty quickly by comparing them to those players in your team from which you know their potential. You can also view each player's average rating in the youth player overview.