Top Teams matches

Top Team matches are a real treat in goalunited!

In the United -> Top Teams menu, you get the opportunity to challenge special teams, such as Sportfreunde Hamburg, Les Galactiques de Paris, Tactics United, Mentality Monsters and others. 

Top Teams availability

Some Top Teams are available only for a short period of time, and during this time you can play as many times as you want. The first win against some Top Teams earns you a unique trophy, that after that shows the number of wins against this team.

Some other Top Teams can be challenged at any time (such as Mentality Monsters and Tactics United)

Playing against Top Teams

Most of the available Top Teams can be challenged using GU Stars, however, there are Top Teams, such as Tactics United and  Mentality Monsters, that can be challenged for free 5 times per day and per club. You can play more than 5 matches by using GU Stars. 


1on1 united coupons cannot be used to challenge the Top Teams

To start a match against a Top Team, simply select the team in the list and click the GU Stars value/ Play now button then go and set up your formation for the match.

Bonuses and rewards

Wins against the top teams are not only fun though. Even though the matches are United Matches, they usually give your team a nice little bonus. This could be an experience bonus for your players, a motivation boost for a staff member, or many other things.

Playing and winning matches against Tactics United and Mentality Monsters Top Teams will place your club in a ranking.

The better the placement at the end of each round, the better the reward will be.

Click on the Top 100 button at the bottom right to open the Ranking. In the new pop-up window, you will see a tab for the Ranking and a tab for the possible rewards, based on the number of wins.

 Good to know!

The handicap mode is enabled in the matches against Top Teams, so even if you are just at the beginning, all top teams are beatable. If you put your best team and your best strategy up, you will have a chance!

You can play action cards against the Top Teams! This could increase your chances for a win!

More about matches

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