Special cards and limits

The special cards in goalunited help you push your club's limits, by providing a special effect, such as unlocking skill limits, providing extra skill boost, scouting higher-strength youth players, and many others.

They can be obtained through special offers in the Card Shop or during special events, such as Collect Challenge events.

Special Player cards

Top youth player card
This card can be used to scout a player in the Youth team (it works in the same way as the regular Youth Scout cards)

The player redeemed through the Top Youth player card will be:

  • 17 years old
  • minimum strength 3.0
  • will have a fixed salary based on the strength he is promoted with, during the first 18 weeks in the main team (i.e. strength is 3.2 when is promoted, salary will be 3.200 Eur/week)
  • 1Euro value during the first 18 weeks in the professional team
  • random personality


  • Maximum 3 Top Youth players per season and club can be promoted to the professional team
  • Maximum 3 cards per season can be redeemed
Gold youth player card
This card can be used to scout a player in the Youth team (it works in the same way as the regular Youth Scout cards) 

The player redeemed through the Gold Youth player card will be:

  • 17 years old
  • minimum strength 4.0
  • will have a fixed salary based on the strength he is promoted with, during the first 18 weeks in the main team (i.e. strength is 4.4 when is promoted, salary will be 4.400 Eur/week)
  • 1Euro value during the first 18 weeks in the professional team
  • random personality


  • Maximum 3 Gold Youth players per season and club can be promoted to the professional team
  • Maximum 3 cards per season can be redeemed
Wonderkid card
This card can be used to scout a player in the Youth team (it works in the same way as the regular Youth Scout cards).

The Wonderkind player redeemed through the Wonderkid card will be:

  • 16 years old
  • 5.0 average strength
  • Sale value during the first contract in the professional team is locked to 1 Euro
  • will have a fixed salary based on the strength he is promoted with, during the first 18 weeks in the main team (i.e. strength is 5.4 when is promoted, salary will be 5.400 Eur/week)
  • random personality


  • Maximum 3 Wonderkid players per season and club can be promoted to the professional team
  • A maximum of 2 cards can be redeemed per club in a season
Surpasser card
This card can be used on the professional team, on a player of your choice.

The Surpasser player will have the following:

  • +5 skill limit unlock on all 5 skills relevant to the player's position: Keeping, Tackling, Playmaking, Passing and Scoring

Notes and limits:

  • The maximum skill limit unlocked through this card is 110
  • If one or more skills of the player are unlocked above 105.0, the Surpasser card cannot be used, as it cannot award full +5 for all skills
  • a player can receive only one surpasser card in whole his career (it resets if the player is sold)
  • maximum redeemable per club and season is 2 Surpasser cards
  • it cannot be used on loan players

Limit Breaker card
This card can be used on players in the professional team.

There are 5 Limit Breaker card types, one for each relevant skill for the player's position: Keeping, Tackling, Playmaking, Passing and Scoring

The Limit Breaker card will have the following effect:

  • unlock by +1 the skill for which is played (up to max 110)

Notes and limits

  • can be used to increase a player skill from 100 to a maximum of 110
  • this card cannot be used on loan players
Versatility card
This card can be used on players in the professional team.

There are 5 Versatility card types, one for each relevant skill for the player's position: Keeping, Tackling, Playmaking, Passing and Scoring.

The Versatility card will have the following effect:

  • it allows a player to train 2 skills at maximum efficiency at the same time
  • after 5 Versatility training rounds completed on a specific player, the player will get XP unlock of +1 or +2 (up to 110; it's not mandatory to use the same versatility card for the 5 training rounds, it can be different versatility cards)


  • a counter will indicate the number of versatility training rounds (counter resets to 0/5 when 5 training rounds are completed and XP reward is given)
  • The skill trained through the Versatility card must be trained in the training plan, otherwise, it won't have any effect
  • 1 Versatility training round lasts 14 days
  • This card cannot be used if the player already has an active Versatility card
  • This card cannot be used for the main position of the player, (i.e. Versatility Keeping can be played only on Defender, Midfielder, Winger, and Striker, it cannot be played on Keeper)
  • The card can be consumed for an unlimited number of times per season only at 4 out of 5 positions
  • One player can have only one such card active at the same time
  • When the card is applied on such a player, he has full training efficiency for his own main skill of the current position and for the skill that the card is used for
  • this card cannot be used on loan players

For more info about training programs, efficiency and training progression visit:
Training Programs and Efficiency and Positions, Skills and Training Progression

Special training cards

Masterclass card
This card can be used in your club's training program.

There are 5 Masterclass card types, one for each relevant skill for the player's position: Keeping, Tackling, Playmaking, Passing and Scoring.

The effect given after the Masterclass card training is complete can be ONE of the following:

  • A 10% extra increase for the main skill progression from training


  • An extra increase between +0.20 and +0.50 skill points for the main skill


  • Main skill limit unlock by a value between +0.20  and +0.50 points (Max. 115)


  • After 5 Masterclass cards used, one player has a chance to unlock his Form limit by values between 0.20 and 1.00, up to max. 110

Notes and limits:

  • Only ONE player of the position the Masterclass card is used for can get the boost
  • the position for which the Masterclass card is played must have at least 4 players in the squad (2 minimum required for keepers; players who are not in their best position and loan/elite loan players are not taken into account)
  • After any 5 Masterclass cards used, there is a chance for a random player to unlock their Form limit (random by  +0.2 up to +1)
  • A counter of the Masterclass cards used will show up in the training plan
  • Loan players or Elite Loan players cannot receive a boost from the Masterclass cards
  • The position for which the Masterclass card is played must be part of the training plan so that its effect is given to a player
  • If there is no player who can receive the boost according to the position the card was played for, no skill boost will apply; instead fallback reward will be given to a random player out of the whole squad (fallback reward can be endurance, energy or form increase)
  • Repositioning a player may impact his ability to get the Masterclass effect
  • Club news section and Difference yesterday/previous week in the squad overview will clearly visualize the gain from this card

Elite training cards
This card can be used in your club's training program.

There are 5 Elite training card types, one for each relevant skill for the player's position: Keeping, Tackling, Playmaking, Passing and Scoring.

When playing an Elite training card, it actually acts as a training program focusing on the main skill given by the card played and in smaller percentages on the other skills.

To better understand how it works, let’s take as example the General training program Technique, that has the following ratio:

  • 20% Gk skill
  • 20% Ta skill
  • 20% Pm skill
  • 20% Pa skill
  • 20% Sc skill


For the new Elite Training cards, the focus ratio is the following:

Keeper Elite training card focus ratio:

  • 55% Keeping skill
  • 35% Tackling skill
  • 5% Playmaking skill
  • 5% Passing skill
  • 0% Scoring skill


Defender Elite training card focus ratio:

  • 10% Keeping skill
  • 55% Tackling skill
  • 25% Playmaking skill
  • 10% Passing skill
  • 0% Scoring skill


Midfielder Elite training card focus ratio:

  • 0% Keeping skill
  • 25% Tackling skill
  • 55% Playmaking skill
  • 5% Passing skill
  • 15% Scoring skill


Winger Elite training card focus ratio:

  • 0% Keeping skill
  • 5% Tackling skill
  • 20% Playmaking skill
  • 55% Passing skill
  • 20% Scoring skill


Striker Elite training card focus ratio:

  • 0% Keeping skill
  • 5% Tackling skill
  • 25% Playmaking skill
  • 15% Passing skill
  • 55% Scoring skill


Only one card can be played per day.

When played, the effect of the card will be visible after the card is consumed.


Special Coupons

Top Talent
The Top Talent coupon guarantees a player of 8.0 at 20 years old and it can be used on the main club.

The player redeemed through the Top Talent coupon will have the following:

  • 40 weeks contract
  • a fixed salary of 100.000/week during the 40 weeks contract
  • the market value of 1€ during the 40 weeks contract 
  • 2 talent slots fully trained (random talent will be given)
  • random position (Goalkeeper excluded)


  • 4 weeks before the expiry (after 36 weeks) the player receives his correct market value to enable a sale. 
  • If the top talent is still sold for 1€, he is then placed in the transfer market at the normal sales value and is no longer subject to any special top talent treatment
  • After the contract expires, the salary increases according to the current market value, as usual.
  • There is no restriction on the number of uses per season and club for this coupon

Ultimate Talent
The Ultimate Talent coupon can be used in the squad view.

Click the symbol highlighted in the screenshot and then drag the card into the slot.

There are 5 Ultimate talent coupon types, one for each relevant skill for the player's position: Keeping, Tackling, Playmaking, Passing and Scoring.


The player redeemed through the Ultimate talent card will have the following:

  • Age between 25-26 years
  • All skills (including XP, energy, form, endurance) unlocked at the limit of 120
  • Skills are already trained between values of 105-115 (values are decided randomly)
  • 7 talent slots (decided randomly)
  • Random personality
  • Contract duration of 52 weeks
  • Sales value is 1€ in the first 150 days, then normal value for the rest of the contract



  • Only 5 out of 7 talent slots are fully trained
  • Ultimate talent players cannot be repositioned
  • After the contract expires, the player will leave the team permanently
  • If sold during the contract, the Ultimate talent player will not be offered on the transfer market
  • You cannot have more than 2 Ultimate Talent players in the squad at the same time, but you can fire and add a new one at any time
  • Versatility cards can be used on Ultimate players (depending on the player’s main position – refer to Versatility cards section)
  • Masterclass card effect can be applied on Ultimate talent player (except for skill limit unlock reward since limit is already at the maximum 120)


  • Limit breaker or Surpasser cards cannot be used on Ultimate Talent players
  • Ultimate player is excluded from some special effects from buildings (XP Limit unlock and Skill limit unlock)
  • Star Player and Boost player upgrades don’t have an effect in the live ticker


  • Special cards cannot be sold in the bazaar. They can be used at Goalwall.
  • If you observe a different/strange behavior of the special cards, please report it to support

More about Trading Cards

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