Parking and public transportation

A big stadium is not enough. You have to make sure that your fans can get to the stadium. If you do not provide parking or public transportation your stadium will remain empty!

You should also pay attention to the condition of your parking lot and public transportation buildings. When the condition goes down, so does the capacity.

Expanding your buildings increases the capacity. The higher you advance in your manager career, the more buildings become available!

 Good to know!

With the Capacity Plus rare and Capacity Plus ultra-rare, you can increase the capacity of your Public transportation and Parking!


Building details - Parking lot 

NameLevelCost STARS/MoneyEffectCareer level requirement
Small Parking lot130.000 IGM3000 spectators5
Medium Parking lot2420.000 IGM5200 spectators9
Medium Parking lot (Luxury)2210.000 IGM + 300 STARS5200 spectators, Reputation +19
Big Parking lot3980.000 IGM15.800 spectators23
Big Parking lot (Luxury)3490.000 IGM + 680 STARS15.800 spectators, Reputation +1
Parking garage42.500.000 IGM
Parking garage (Luxury)41.250.000 IGM + 1850 STARS34.000 spectators, Reputation +141
Big parking garage56.200.000 IGM60.800 spectators54
Big parking garage (Luxury)53.100.000 IGM +3500 STARS63.840 spectators, Reputation +152

Building details - Public Transportation

NameLevelCost Stars/MoneyEffectCareer Level requirement
Bus Stop130.000 IGM3000 spectators0
Small Bus hub
2610.000 IGM8000 spectators13
Small Bus hub luxury
2305.000 IGM + 400 GU Stars
8000 spectators
Reputation +1
Big Bus Hub luxury3660.000 IGM + 800 GU Stars17.000 spectators
Big Bus Hub31.320.000 IGM17.000 spectators25
Subway Station Luxury41.435.000 IGM + 1.830 GU Stars36.000 spectators
Reputation +1
Subway Station
42.870.000 IGM36.000 spectators39
Train Station luxury52.950.000 IGM + 3.680 GU Stars63.840 spectators
Reputation +1
Train Station 55.900.000 IGM52.000 spectators

Buildings list

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