Player training

The training plan

Every day your players will have a specific training plan that you assign. When you first start out you can only train one specialized training unit, a general training and the tactics slot. As you build up your training facilities, more training slots are unlocked and better the training efficiency will be.

The Assistant coach plays an important role in your players' training.
You can also play a training trading card per day to boost the training of your players.

There are some special decoration buildings that help your players improve their skills faster.

If you own training upgrades, you will get more info about the training boost in percentages, by hovering over a training program in the training plan. 

In the pop-up window, you may also see other boosts, such as boosts from video ads or boosts obtained through special events (such as the Collect Challenge events).


 Good to know!

If you own the Clubhouse decorations, you will have the option to set one main training program in two different training program slots (except for Keeping). For example, in the screenshot below, you can see that Playmaking is set as the main training in the 2nd and 3rd training slots of the training day.

For premium account users, the training plan can be saved for the complete week, and it will repeat itself until you change something.

Without a premium account, you will always see your training for yesterday, today and tomorrow. The training does not repeat after it is completed, so you have to log in at least every other day so your players don't miss out on their training.

Individual values

You can monitor your player's training progress by clicking on the player tab above your training plan.

Simply select a player on the right side and see how he has advanced in the last few months. On the top, you will see his average strength. You can also see his skills and experience by selecting them from the list below.
On the bottom, you will also see his endurance, energy, and form development.

You are also able to exclude your players from the training and with that save their energy points that would otherwise be used for the training. You can do this by selecting the tab option "Individual values" and then just uncheck the box next to the player you want to remove from training, in the Training column.

The column on the left of the Training column in the Player tab shows a counter of the Versatility special cards used for each player. By hovering it over the number in the Versatility counter column, you will see more info on whether there is currently an active Versatility training session or not.

Training statistics

The training Statistics tab provides more info about the current level of your squad for Endurance, Energy, Form and Team spirit.

If you own the Circle of the Community special decoration, you can see here the Team Spirit bonus offered by this special building, represented by the '+' symbol at the bottom of the Training Statistics.

Individual training progression

To check specific values for the training progression of your players, go to Team -> Players in the main menu and check the "Difference Yesterday" or ''Difference previous week''

By hovering the arrows, you will how much the player's skills have improved since the previous day or week,


Players excluded from training still count towards the number of players who can train without penalty in a specific position. More info about the number of players per position, that can train at full efficiency, can be found here.

More about training

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