The stadium complex

 The stadium complex holds the stadium and the buildings around it. 

You will find 2 sections in the stadium complex.

The first section includes the following:

  1. The stadium (and turf)
  2. Parking
  3. Gastronomy
  4. Training facilities
  5. Medical department
  6. Club offices
  7. Decorations
  8. The fair
  9. Merchandising (factory and fan shop)
  10. The Annex buildings

To access the second section of the Stadium complex, click the green arrow in the right corner at the bottom.

  1. Youth facilities
  2. Youth Stadium
  3. Public transportation
  4. Decorations

As you can see, each construction site has a specific function. For example, the medical department construction site holds all buildings that have to do with the well-being of your players. The first building allows you to hire a physical therapist, with every expansion additional features are added.


A successful team needs a good infrastructure too, good training facilities, a big stadium, a well-organized office.

Buildings deteriorate over time, so you have to repair them regularly. Alternatively, you can activate the upgrade Jack Fountain, a premium Staff member who will make sure your buildings are always in good condition.

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