
There are several spots in your stadium complex to build decoration. Decoration is a good way to increase your team's reputation and by that increase the number of fans coming to your matches.

It is always good to give your fans a place to relax!

The higher you advance in your manager career, the more buildings become available!


There are few decoration buildings which are available for purchase only through special promotions. (VIP Fan Lounge, Beach club, Winter market, Golden Steak, Brewery, Haunted house and GU Ice plaza and more -> check the full list below)


You don't need to set up special buildings to get the effect, as long as you own them.

Exception: Skeleton Graveyard and Ghost Train must be set up to collect the bonus.

Decoration building details:

NameLevelCost STARS/MoneyEffectCareer level requirement
Medium-sized park1380 STARSReputation +16
Miniature golf1490 STARSReputation +113
Private residence1480 STARSReputation +11
Large park1550.000 IGMReputation +132
Small lake1430 STARSReputation +112
Fountain1790 STARSReputation +118
WC 2018 Monument1380 STARSReputation +11
EC 2016 Monument1380 STARSReputation +11
WC For all monument1380 STARSReputation +11
EC For all flag circle1380 STARSReputation +11
Climbing Park 2840 STARSReputation +223
Water Park21250 STARSReputation +230
Mansion31600 STARSReputation +37
Soccer monument33200 STARSReputation +414
Fan mile47600 STARSReputation +632
Castle47600 STARSReputation +626
Glass pyramid544444 STARSReputation +733
Black pyramid555555 STARSReputation +836

Special decorations:

NameLevelCost / AvailabilityEffect
Beach Club5LIMITED SPECIAL OFFERS/EVENTS+10% more XP from home matches, Reputation +5
Winter Market5LIMITED SPECIAL OFFERS/EVENTSConstruction & Repair times 20% lower, Reputation +5
Brewery5LIMITED SPECIAL OFFERS/EVENTSExtra income for the club, Reputation +5 
Haunted House5LIMITED SPECIAL OFFERS/EVENTSHome advantage improved by 10 percentage points, Reputation +5
GU Ice Plaza5LIMITED SPECIAL OFFERS/EVENTSExtra income for the club, Reputation +6
Reputation +8
Circle of Community5LIMITED SPECIAL OFFERS/EVENTS+2 Team Spirit per week
Reputation +10
Halfling Café5LIMITED SPECIAL OFFERS/EVENTS+60.000 IGM gastronomy income per week
Reputation +7
One World monument5LIMITED SPECIAL OFFERS/EVENTS+5 Stamina and +5 Freshness for 5 random players each Monday
Reputation +10
E-Sport Arena5LIMITED SPECIAL OFFERS/EVENTS+100.000 IGM per week spectator income
Reputation +7
Skeleton Castle5LIMITED SPECIAL OFFERS/EVENTS+10% away bonus
Reputation +5
The Ice Striker5LIMITED SPECIAL OFFERS/EVENTS+15% home advantage for strikers
Reputation +5
Moai buildings: Moai with Glasses, Masked Moai, Bearded Moai, Moai Iroquois, Moai with Hat)5LIMITED SPECIAL OFFERS/EVENTS+10% bonus in away matches per building (each building gives the effect for one position)

Reputation +7 per building
Matt decorations: Keeper, Defender, Midfielder, Winger, Striker5LIMITED SPECIAL OFFERS/EVENTS+7% training boost per building (each building gives the effect for one position)

If you own all Matt buildings, your players receive 10% training boost

Reputation +7 per building
Youth Matt: Keeper, Defender, Midfielder, Winger, Striker 5LIMITED SPECIAL OFFERS/EVENTS1 to 5 skill points to a random youth player each week, per building (each building gives the effect for one position)

If you own all Youth Matt buildings, your youth player can get up to 8 skills points per week

Reputation +7 per building per building

Ghost Train5LIMITED SPECIAL OFFERS/EVENTS1x random reward every 5 days (Stars, premium, packs or skill points)

The building must be set up and you have to collect the reward every 5 days in the stadium complex

Reputation +7
Nutcracker buildings: Catcher, Guardian, Drummer, Rider, Marksman5LIMITED SPECIAL OFFERS/EVENTS+7% training bonus for 26 years players and older (each building gives the effect for one position)

If you own all Nutcracker buildings, your players get +12 training bonus

Reputation +7 per building
Clubhouse: Keeper, Defender, Midfielder, Winger, Striker5LIMITED SPECIAL OFFERS/EVENTS+1 main training in your training plan per building, except Keeper Clubhouse which gives 20% training bonus in a Keeper main training

If you own all Clubhouse buildings, you will receive +5% training bonus on all main training sessions

Reputation +7 per building
Fair Play Matt: Keeper, Defender, Midfielder, Winger, Striker5LIMITED SPECIAL OFFERS/EVENTS+7% training bonus for players between 21-25 years old (each building gives the effect for one position)

If you own all Fair Play Matt buildings, your players will receive 10% training bonus
Reputation +7 per building
Skeleton Graveyard5LIMITED SPECIAL OFFERS/EVENTSOne random player receives a boost after each match, united matches excluded (form, endurance, energy or skill up).

In case you have an injured player, the bonus can even reduce the injury period.

The reward can be collected in max. 48 hours in the stadium complex.

The building must be set up so you can collect the reward

Reputation +7
Champion Matt: Keeper, Defender, Midfielder, Winger, Striker5LIMITED SPECIAL OFFERS/EVENTS+10% bonus in home and away matches (united excluded) (each building gives the effect for one position)

If you own all 5 buildings, you get +10% more coins during the Collect Challenge events

Reputation +7 per building
Fun Hut: Freddy's, Rosalie's, Sepp's, Lisbeth's, Stoffi's5LIMITED SPECIAL OFFERS/EVENTSEach Monday, 1-2 players receive a freshness bonus between 2-7 points (each building gives the effect for one position)

If you own all 5 buildings, then all your players get a bonus of 5-10 points

Reputation+7 building
Winter Dome: Keeper, Defender, Midfielder, Winger, Striker5LIMITED SPECIAL OFFERS/EVENTSEach Monday, one random player gets +1 Endurance OR Energy limit unlock (max. 105) (each building gives the effect for one position)

If you own all 5 buildings, there is a chance that a random player from the squad gets a talent slot (untrained). It can be the 6th slot if the player already has 5 slots fully trained.

If the effect cannot be awarded, then a random positive effect (endurance, freshness or form) is given.
The effect is not given to players not in their best position

Reputation +7 per building
Youth Hub: Keeper, Defender, Midfielder, Winger, Striker5LIMITED SPECIAL OFFERS/EVENTS+1 squad slot in the Youth team per building (each building gives the effect for one position)

If you own all 5 buildings, then you can uncover the skill value of a player of your choice after each Youth match (this option cannot be used on Youth Players observed 1 or 2 times in the current week)

Reputation +7 per building
Winter Camp: Keeper, Defender, Midfielder, Winger, Striker5LIMITED SPECIAL OFFERS/EVENTSYou can send one player for a tailored training program for 7 days. (each building allows you to send a player per position)

After 7 days, the player will get a mainskillup increase between +0.2 and +2.0 AND Endurance OR Energy limit unlock between +0.2 and +1 (max. 115)

If you own all 5 buildings, then you can send an extra player for tailored training (in total 5+1 players)
Reputation +7 per building
Dragon Monument: Keeper, Defender, Midfielder, Winger, Striker 5LIMITED SPECIAL OFFERS/EVENTS+5 effort level unlock per building (max. effort 175%)

If you own all Dragon monuments, you unlock and can train the DragonPlay tactic

Reputation +7 per building
The Winger Ice5LIMITED SPECIAL OFFERS/EVENTS+ 15% Home advantage for Wingers
Reputation +5
Residential Centers (Goalkeeper, Defender, Midfielder, Winger, Striker)5LIMITED SPECIAL OFFERS/EVENTS

+1 squad slot and +1 training position per building.

If you own all 5 Residential Centers, you’ll unlock a new General training program - Vitality Training - allowing you to train your players’ Form, Endurance and Energy at once + a chance that a random player will receive form unlock between +0.2 and +0.5 (max. 115).
The player must not be excluded from training to get the effect from Vitality Training.

If there is no player who can get the form unlock, no fallback reward will be given.

Reputation +7 per building

+15% home advantage for Midfielders
Reputation +5
The Golden Defender5

+15% home advantage for Defenders
Reputation +5

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