Individual training programs

For each training slot, you can select a training unit for your players.

The first training slot of the day is reserved for tactic training. (Check here for more info)

The next 4 slots are designated for general training (the colored training programs). You start off with just the first slot, to get more slots you need to build training facilities in your stadium.

Your complete team always completes the same training, but each training program focuses on one part of your team. It mainly trains one skill (the first of the two shown) and slightly trains a second skill (the second shown). All players benefit from the training, but a player only receives full training effect for the main skill for his position. (A defender will get full benefits from Tackling training, some benefit from playmaking training, but only very little from scoring training.)

It is only possible to train one unit for each skill per day. For example, all red programs are offensive training programs, all of them train scoring as a main skill, and another skill as a secondary skill. You can only use one of the red training programs per day. 

 Good to know!

If you own the Clubhouse decoration buildings, then you can set up a second main skill in your training plan.(e.g. if you own the Clubhouse Defender, you can set up Defender twice as the main training)

The last training slot of the day is reserved for general training. Here you can focus more on the skills (on all skills a little), train your goalkeeper, your players' form, endurance or talent, or use the Vitality training.

You can also let your players relax by using a relaxation unit, this helps them recover some energy which can be a good idea during stressful times with many matches.

Training programs and actual efficiency

For a better understanding of how training programs work, let's first take a look at the available training programs that we can set in the daily training plan.

Main Skill + Secondary skill

Defender + Midfielder

Defender + Winger

Defender + Striker

Defender + Keeper

Midfielder + Defender

Midfielder + Winger

Midfielder + Striker

Midfielder + Endurance

Winger + Defender

Winger + Midfielder

Winger + Striker

Winger + Endurance

Striker + Defender

Striker + Midfielder

Striker + Winger

Striker + Form

The efficiency or players' effort in each skill training program is always 80% on the main and 20% on the secondary skill.  

When it comes to the technical training program, the player has a 20% investment or better said potential gain from training for each of 5 skills (KEP, DEF, MID, WNG and OFF), but this again depends on the current player status.

The goalkeeper + Form training program has a ratio of 80% - 20% for Keeping (80) and for Form (20).


Let's now expand Players, positions, skills and training progression below to see how skill progression is displayed and which skills have priority in training based on each position.  


Players, positions, skills and training progression

The minimum that can be visually presented and awarded as a skill progression is a value that is rounded up to 0.01. This means that for very low values for some players, the game has no way to show this progression which is sometimes a value of 0.0002.

The priority for the skills training varies based on each position:

Keeper Defender MidfielderWing PlayerStriker

Main skill Keeping

Secondary skill Tackling

No other training


There are also other important factors that are taken into account in the calculation of the skill progression that players get:

  • Current skill value for each skill
  • Current age of the player


Players with skill 50 and players with skill 70 at different ages won't progress in the same way.


Due to this, you may see players who don't get as much skill progression as other players.

When a Versatility card is played on a player, this impacts the priority for the skills training.


Versatility Passing is played on a Midfielder player. 

As a result, the Midfielder player will gain full training efficiency as if he were a Wing player:


Main Skill Playmaking

Main Skill Passing

Secondary skill Tackling

Third skill Scoring

No effect from Keeping training

Training boost with videos

You can also boost each individual training program by watching a video. After short clip training program will receive a 5% boost and then you also have a 50% chance to get the secondary video which can reward you with different in-game rewards. (Second video is guaranteed for premium account holders)

Note: A maximum of 45 secondary videos can be watched in one week and for the whole account (1,2 or 3 clubs).


If you make any changes to your training plan, your already obtained 5% training boost will disappear and you will need to watch a new video for that training program.

More about training

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