
It is important to always have the energy of your players in sight.

The player with lots of energy will play to their full potential at every effort level, whereas a player with little energy will not be able to hold up well in a high-effort match. Players with low energy (below 50) are also a lot more likely to get injured.

The maximum energy level is 100, however, this limit can be unlocked up to 115 through the Winter Camp and the Winter Dome special buildings.

Using up energy

Almost everything your players do costs energy. Every regular training unit (except relaxation) costs an energy point, so does every match, except United matches, in United matches, players don't lose energy.
Players lose a lot more energy when you let them play in official matches with high effort.

How much energy players need in a match is also based on their endurance level. An endurance level of 90 and above is considered ideal for a match. A player with only 5 endurance will use up 33% more energy than a player with endurance 90! The energy used (with an endurance of 90) and the energy needed to play with full efficiency is as follows:

Energy required
Energy consumed
0 energy required
+- 1.4 energy used
25 energy required
+- 3.1 energy used
50 energy required
+- 4.9 energy used
75 energy required
+- 6.9 energy used
100 energy required
+- 9.2 energy used

Sometimes it is a good idea to give a specific player a break for a game or two to recover some energy. Otherwise, you risk injuries.

Recovering energy

There are several ways to gain energy:

  • Every day your players gain a little bit of energy. However, the recovery rate is very low. It can be increased greatly with a physical therapist. The better the therapist, the more energy is recovered. If you have problems with your energy levels you should consider getting a better physical therapist or sending yours for further training.

  • You can give your players a break from training and instead give them some relaxation time. Each unit of relaxation training gives your players a small energy boost.
  • On top of the normal relaxation training, you can also play a relaxation trading card during training. Each card increases the energy of all of your players by 2, 4 or 6 (depending on the rarity of the card). The good thing about trading cards is that you don't lose out on training sessions because of it.

  • Extra-Energy trading cards - There are two types of cards that can be played on individual players that will increase that player's energy: Extra-Energy * (uncommon) - which will increase the player's energy with +5 energy points, and Extra-Energy ** (rare) - Will increase the player's energy with +8 energy points.

  • Vitality training  - When you set up Vitality training in general training, your players's energy will increase in the same way as with the Relaxation training program. The advantage of the Vitality training program is that you will increase the endurance, energy, and form of your players all at once. The Vitality training program can be used if you own all 5 Residential Center decorations.

  • Exclude players from training - One other way to allow your players to recover their energy is to exclude them from training. Careful though, your players will no longer attend the daily training programs, which means they won't gain any skill improvement. To exclude or re-add a player to training, go to Team -> Training -> Player tab, then uncheck the box for the player you want to exclude from training or check the box to add the player back to the training.

 Good to know!

Players' energy level is reset to 100 at the beginning of each season

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