Loan players

In goalunited LEGENDS it's not possible to give or get players on loan from or to other clubs however, it's possible to get loan players through the scratch cards feature or through special packs in the card shop or during the special events.

Standard Loan player

In case you have won a standard loan player from the scratch cards, you will receive a coupon card which will be placed in your card deck.
The strength value of the standard loan player is always going to be slightly higher than the strength value of the best players in your squad.

Standard loan players once when they join your team will always have a contract duration of 18 weeks.
After the contract ends player will leave your team permanently.

Elite Loan player

Each week with Scratch cards weekly tombola drawing you have a chance to win Elite loan player.
Elite loan player comes with a fixed strength value of 10.0 and gives each player in your team an experience boost of 0.5 XP per week.

The contract duration for the elite loan player is always 24 weeks and it cannot be extended, after the final week of his contract expires, he will permanently leave your club.

 Good to know!

You can have an unlimited amount of loan player coupons in your card deck but for each club, you can only have a maximum of 3 loan players at the same time in your squad.

How to redeem a loan player coupon?

In order to redeem your loan player coupon go to your player's overview and click on the button with the small red shirt figurine at the top area of the screen.

After that, an additional window will show up which will have a slot for the loan player coupon, then just place the card in the slot and save your changes. The same steps can be used to redeem a special Elite loan player coupon.

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