Click on Matches -> Official matches to find the league menu.
Here you can find all the information about the current situation in your league. On the left side, you can see the scores of the last match day and the matches of the current match day. On the right side, you see the league table and the press releases from your league.
The league table
Above the league table, you can select a specific league.
- The first button lets you choose the country. There are a lot of countries and each has its own league system.
- The second button chooses the layer. The more teams play in one league system the more layers are created.
- The third button lets you select the league (division). Each layer has a different number of leagues. There is only one league in layer 1 but 4 leagues in layer 2. You can find more information about the league system here.
- The fourth button allows you to view the ranking based on home wins, away wins and overall ranking.
- The last button allows you to select and view the ranking of the selected division for the current season and for the previous 2 seasons
Beneath that is the league table which has several columns.
- Tendency: The arrows indicate if a team has changed its position in the league table compared to the previous match day.
- i (info icon): If you move your mouse on a blue info button a pop-up will be shown. It shows the league-end bonuses at the end of the season. Here you can find a list of all bonuses.
- Position: Each league has 12 teams. In this column, you can see which team stands at which position on the table.
- Team: Gives the names of the teams playing in this league.
- (P)/(R)/(D): Here you can see which teams got promoted/relegated in the last season and if any teams are dummy teams (controlled by the computer).
- Played: This shows how many matches were already played in the ongoing season.
- W/D/L: These three columns show how many matches a club won, lost or drew in the current season.
- Goals: Here you see the goal statistics for the current season.
- Points: This column shows the current points of each team. You get 3 points for a win, 1 point for a draw and 0 Points for a loss.
By clicking on the button with the magnifying glass you open the contact page of the club.
Relegation and promotion prognosis
There are several lines in different colors in the league table. Each of them has a specific meaning: (Assuming the standings stay until the end of the season)
- The teams above the green line are automatically promoted to the layer above.
- The team above the yellow line plays in the qualification round and fights for the promotion
- The teams beneath the orange line have to play in the qualification round to fight against being relegated.
- The teams beneath the red line are relegated without playing in the qualification
(In the lower layers, without qualification, you only see which teams are promoted and relegated)
The Match Schedule
On the left side of the screen, you see the scores of the last match day and the current match day.
By clicking on the buttons next to the matches you can see the game reports of each match.
For the upcoming match day, you can click on the button next to your match to set a formation. With a Premium Account, you can book all other matches for the conference in the live ticker by clicking on the buttons next to the matches.
More league information
On the league side at the bottom, you find more stats and data.
Here you find all league matches for the previous and next matchdays.
Here you can see all 22 scheduled league matches for the current season.
Here you see the league table of the youth teams. Each team has a youth team, even if the youth has not been unlocked yet. The youth teams always play 24 hours before the league matches of the professional teams.
Here you find all youth matches for the current season.
Here you see the top scorers' list of your league.
Here you find the match schedule for the qualification round. (Always assuming the standings stay the same until the end of the season.)
End of season
At the end of each season teams that were previously inactive throughout the season will be placed at the bottom positions in the league, and all their performance in the league and scored goals will be reset to 0 (points to -1).
This applies only to non-Premium Account owners. Premium account owners will remain in official competitions until the premium account ends)
Press releases
On the left side at the bottom, you see all press releases from your league. Every team can write press releases after building a club office. You can write them by clicking on Matches -> Press.