Bonusy na konci sezony

Na konci sezony se rozdělují finanční bonusy pro kluby. Každý klub může získat více bonusů.

Before the bonuses are paid out inactive and computer controlled teams are moved to the end of the league table. Active teams will move up and the position related bonuses will go to those teams.

Bonus pro vítěze

Každý mistr své ligy získá na konci sezony bonus. Výše vyplacené částky závisí na úrovni ligy, kterou hraje. Konkrétní sumy naleznete v "Zápasy" → "Liga", když najedete myší na modrou informační ikonu. 

The higher you play, the higher the bonus will be. The bonus for the Championship in Layer one is 5.000.000€, it decreases down to 450.000€ is the lowest layers. The bonus is usually credited by the time the qualification matches are set up. (As there is always a lot going on during this time of the season we ask you to be patient.)


Experience bonus

All players of all league champions receive an experience bonus of 2.1 experience points. The bonus is usually credited by the time the qualification matches are set up. (As there is always a lot going on during this time of the season we ask you to be patient.)

Bonus za postup

Mistrovské týmy a týmy, které úspěšně projdou kvalifikací a postoupí do vyšší ligy, získají bonus za postup. Výše vyplacené částky závisí na úrovni ligy, kterou hrají.

Může se stát, že postoupí i týmy, které neskončily na postupových příčkách. K tomu dojde, když se ve vyšších ligách uvolní více míst, protože některé týmy byly smazány. Týmy, které díky tomu postoupí, také získají bonus za postup!

The bonus to be promoted from the second layer is 2.000.000€, decreasing down to 250.000€ in the lowest layers. This bonus is paid out during the season finish, as the qualification has to be completed to know all promoted teams. (As there is always a lot going on during this time of the season we ask you to be patient.)

Exception: In layer one no team is promoted to a higher layer. Out of fairness we have therefore added a bonus of 4.000.000€ for the second placed team in layer 1. The Championship bonus in layer 1 is also exceptionally high to make up for not receiving the promotion bonus.

Bonus za nejlepšího střelce

The team that holds the top-scorer at the end of the season receives a top-scorer bonus. The higher you play, the higher the bonus will be. The bonus for the Top scorer in layer one is 500.000€, it decreases down to 100.000€ is the lowest layers. If there is a draw, the money is split between the teams. The bonus is usually credited by the time the qualification matches are set up, so goals scored in the qualification round do not count. (As there is always a lot going on during this time of the season we ask you to be patient.)

The top-scorer bonus will not go to an active team when the winner is from an inactive team!

Bonus pro vítěze ligy dorostu

The team with the top-ranked youth team at the end of the season also receives a bonus ranging from 1.500.000€ in layer 1 to 150.000€ in the lowest layers. The bonus is usually credited by the time the qualification matches are set up. (As there is always a lot going on during this time of the season we ask you to be patient.)

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