Your players' experience

Every player in goalunited has a certain amount of experience, which means playing experience. And as the name suggests, players can only gain experience by playing in matches. The default experience level of each player is limited to 100, however this limit can be increased up to 110 through the special Versatility cards and the Experience boost upgrades.

The more experience a player has, the more he can make of his skills. A player with 100 experience will therefore have a much higher base than a player with 20 experience, even if the individual skills are exactly the same.

Different match types give different amounts of experience. Players receive the following amount of experience per 120 minutes played (regular match plus extra time):

League match
Friendly/Training match
Cup Match
International Masters Group phase
International Masters knockout phase

Experience is given for the exact playing time that a player has been on the field. Players who have to leave the field for an injury or after receiving a red card only get the experience amount for the number of minutes they have been on the field.


If a player played 90 minutes:

-in a league match he will receive 90 / 120 * 0.4 Experience points, resulting in 0.3.

-in a cup match he will receive 90 / 120 * 0.6 Experience points, resulting in 0.45

 Good to know!

  • Along with personality, XP level plays an important role in the captain bonus.

    A charismatic captain with XP 100 is 35% better than a captain with a different personality (except for introverted player) and the same XP value.

  • Ambitious players receive a small bonus and gain a bit more experience in matches.
  • If you have Experience plus (common/rare/ultra-rare) stadium upgrades activated your first 11 players (line-up) will receive 32.5% more experience from home matches and substitute players receive 90 minutes worth of experience.
  • With each Experience Boost upgrade that you have active, one player gets +1 or +2 XP per week.
  • If you own the Beach Club decoration, your players will get 10% more XP in home matches.
  • Each Elite Loan player in your squad gives each player a 0.5 XP boost per week. (3 Elite loan players in the squad can give 1.5 XP boost per week to each player in your squad)
  • Finishing first in your division will give each player an XP bonus which varies based on the layer level.
  • There is no experience gained for United matches.

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